Pravici is a development agency that specialized in Loyalty Programs for large entities such as car or airline industries. They've developed a product that allows these companies to start transitioning their systems over to Blockchain without compromise previous investments in their database setups. TLP (the product) is also capable of being a standalone Blockchain Loyalty Platform without preexisting infrastructure.
Pravici needed a series of videos to help explain the TLP product and how it fit into the lives of both the administrators who would be working with it, as well as how it's implementation could impact customers down the line.
To organize this effort I started with a Creative Brief that helps us narrow down the critical points that needed to articulated. After much discussion we narrowed it down to six(6) videos that would be created. With a few event deadlines to hit, the turnaround time was going to be tight. Que project management and organization skills!
As always, any explainer animation needs a script. Or six, as this case called for.
In each of my scripts, the first page includes snips from the creative brief or statement of work (depending on how the discovery process is proceeding). This way I'm referring to the Audience and key Goals at all times and the client is reminded each time they review the document so that they too stay on target.

Because there were so many animations to develop in a short amount of time, I elected to spend as little time on the storyboard illustrations as possible. All I wanted to communicate was the key scenes and what would be shown conceptually. Normally I would then drop these into a PDF with the script and motion notes. However, in the interest of getting a robust conversation quickly I recorded myself reading the scripts and then created crude "animatic" videos set to my narration.

Art Development
For the style I wanted to call out the blues of the Pravici brand, but still have some 'real-world' touches of color. The characters and shapes were also simplified in the interest of hitting deadlines, but without sacrificing quality too much.
Many scenes were going to be revisited amongst the different videos. And since I would be working with a subcontractor to speed up animation time, it was critical to make sure that each of the illustrations were prepped and all appropriately organized so that we would avoid duplicating work as much as possible.

Below is the "Overview" animation describing TLP.
Pravici submitted their product to the MOBI Grand Challenge in early September 2019. Part of that effort involved an animation to explain the technology. In November Pravici was announced as the 1ST PLACE WINNER! I like to thin that the way these animations are centered around individuals helps to ground the idea in terms of value, and helped them win. My co-animator on this project, Jen Van Horn, was crucial in getting the animation done in time for the submission.
View all 6 animations in the Pravici Youtube Channel
For those interested in numbers, here's how this project broke down:
Discovery.................................17 hrs
Script Dev..............................23 hrs
Storyboards...........................6 hrs
Art and Asset Dev.................66 hrs
VO Recording and Sound.....6 hrs
Animation..............................97 hrs
Misc. Design Support............5 hrs
Accumulative approximately: 280 hours. 2.5 months. 6 videos.